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Editing My Life

Life is all about doing it and then seeing what was good and what needs to be corrected, fixed, changed, or EDITED! I'm going to EDIT my life...

Friday, December 02, 2005


Erasers are great... they take away mistakes. They clean up messes. They make things look fairly new again and show that there was a change of mind. I need a gigantic eraser for my life. We're talking HUGE eraser here people.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I did it again...

I lost track of time and didn't post anything on here for a long time. I guess things have been... how should I say... BUSY! Maybe I should only have one blog? I dunno. Did the B project but was very unhappy with the lines in the pictures and the lack of being able to put more than 15 minutes on one disc. REALLY am not looking forward to the videos that will need to be done for Christmas time. Too much stress and it's so soon!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Long time

It's been a long time since I've wrote on here. I've been getting school started up and trying to adapt to a very different environment. I still am figuring things out, but they're seeming to be a bit better.
Right now I'm frustrated because I want to do something, but then others are pressuring me so hard to do it, that now I really *don't* want to do it.
That's demented. I mean, come on... how hard headed can I be?

Friday, August 26, 2005


I'm not understanding why I'm so very tired. I have a job that is taxing, yes, but I'm more mentally exhausted than physically. Maybe it's having to keep alert 100% of the time. If I don't, I will miss something. Like when Virginia was in school last week and now she's a runaway. What did I miss...

Monday, August 22, 2005

New Drug Commercial

Remember how catchy that old drug commercial was with the brain and the eggs and this is your brain on drugs? I just saw this era's iteration of that commercial. IT's a video of a kid sitting in a cafeteria and he's singing a song tha tgoes like this:

"Ba ba black sheep, have you any E
Yes sir, yes sir, first hit's free."

Wow, creepy, funny, and scary at the same time.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


I'm going into a weird place... on the edge of complacency. I want to do "stuff" but I don't want to at the same time. I neeeeed more energy. I'm not totally wiped out, or anything, but my drive is so low right now.

Monday, August 15, 2005


the reason I work so hard the week before the kids get back (and I get tired and exhausted) is because I'm "training" for when they are finally here. Today was a good day, but VERY tiring. I always have a long, tiring day the first day of school. It's been that way ever since I was very young. I'd go to school, come home, and crash. That includes grades K-12, then college, and now when *I* go in the classroom and teach. I think it's all mental, but whatever the case, sure wipes me out. Now I only have 179 work days left before summer vacation.


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